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Sunday, August 28, 2005

Gas, The Price of Gas, Gas for Us All.

Yesterday, I filled my gas tank. Ouch. The price of gas is getting ridiculous. Since Mr. GWB has been in office, the price has risen the better part of double. Funny observation on my part, it did the same thing when his dad was in office. And then for some eight years, it was lower. Mmmm, let me think about this a little...
We hear things like "the reason is there is a refinery is closed down for maintenance." What, you mean when Mr. C was in office, there wasn't any maintenance? For eight years? Sounds to me like the gas we are paying for is actually getting us more gas for the same money. We get the petrol in our vehicles, and we get a bunch of gas from a bunch of gas bags. Mr. B has financial interests in the energy market, he and many of his cronies, as did his dad. When his term runs out and prices settle down as I am certain they will, I'd love to hear of a commission being formed to investigate why. Meanwhile, I think we are getting gas from him and his, but I think its because they are upwind and passing gas, since they obviously have no respect for us.
I bought the gas yesterday, after seeing the prices the day before. The lowest price I saw Friday was 2.53/gal. in Hillsborough County, and was headed to my friends' home in Pasco County where gas is usually about 3 to 4cent/gal lower. Well, it was actually higher in Pasco and I hesitated to buy. While there, I had totally had too much to drink and drive home so I stayed the night on their sofa, so yesterday Court and I went looking at a couple of car audio stores, and he bought some new speakers for his car. We spent the better part of Saturday installing the speakers and an amplifier he already owned. Now it was Saturday night and I needed to get home. Joking, I commented, "I wonder how much gas has gone up since Friday," and soon found out. The prices had jumped 2cent/gal. in just a day. Since I knew there was at least one place that had been cheaper Friday, I drove with my gauge reading E. I lucked out, after passing a couple of signs with prices of 2.66 & 2.67/gal, I finally got to a station with regular 87 octane @ 2.529/gal., a cent less than I had seen before. Its still ridiculous.
Please don't get me wrong, I know we here in the US pay less than anywhere else probably in the world. Of course, we spearheaded the petroleum industry, and our businesses found much of the world's reserves investing a lot of American money to develop them, when the indigenous peoples were unaware of what was there. It provided a better standard of living for them, and now we suspect that those very same people are financing terrorism against us. Unfortunately, we and many others need that petroleum, and have made them aware of our existence, and they would otherwise likely have been oblivious of us. Darn it, we lose again.
Now we are being told that Hurricane Katrina could cause a 20 percent increase in the price of gas, since New Orleans is responsible for some 25 percent of our petroleum processing, even into winter. Gee, a literal windfall of profits. Less product, more money for it. If only I were so lucky, I'd love to get more money for less work. Instead, I seem to experience the opposite, I'm expected to produce more work, for less money. Where's the justice?



At Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 4:16:00 PM EDT, Blogger Mona $visitorIP said...

Dear Charles
"where is the justice?"
was there ever any?..will there ever be any?...
& let me assure you in the beginning itself, that I do not in any way support Terrorism.In fact, I condem it as the most ghastly act, which kills civilians & kids & all....

Now for you post...

As they say I=PAT; where I is the Impact on environment, P stands for population, A for affulence & T for Technology.
That Impact was going to come anyway.America being the first in at least two of the reasons for Impact, that is being an affluent society & also being technologically developed.
& I find you most Americans cribbing for smallest ever disturbance in your order, as I see you cribbing here over the price of Gas.& then you go on to say that its GWB or his father who are responsible, & why didnt it happen when Clinton was there & blah blah!
My Dear friend..have you ever stopped to ask yourself one very significant question & then rotate the pointer of your blaming game?
Have you EVER realised that Gas petroleum etc, are Non- renewable resources that are going to run dry sooner than we think?
Then what else do you expect, if not the price rise concerning them?
Do you know, that even if we take for granted that there is five times more inside this earth than the present known reserve, it is not going to last us for more than 49 years?
& then comes this bullshit about sponsoring terrorism...
Let me repeat...I am not an advocate of terrorism & condemn it equally as anyone else would.nor do I advocate any kind of War as a measure to be taken to fight it, for I firmly believe that two wrongs do not make a right...
Do you know the role that America has played in the past few decades in all the wars that have taken place in the third world?People say that America is a country of Opportunities.I feel differently. I think it is an opportunist nation.After the first world War recession, America saw the opportunity of becoming rich by production of weapons & selling them to the world , all shaken with the Impact of Wars & ready to squander its money in the name of collecting "Defence Material".The two bully nations, America & Russia made hay, while the rest of the world shuddered in fright.
With Vietnam, they beat a hasty retreat,[ & no apologies to their own countrymen, that lost their lives or limbs to their whims] only to come back & create unrest in the middle east with the first gulf war.Perhaps you have no idea how many weapons they sold in that region, the list is endless...
& you also have no idea how many lives were lost in the 'Terrorism' that war has unleased in the region.
You lost just two towers..imagine what it might have been for the ppl where almost entire cities & civilistion were wiped out in the name of just one scapegoat called Saddam.
Now think..just think...when you lost the twin towers..there was a sudden upsurge & spurt of violence all over America in retaliation to what had happened. Many innocent ppl from amongst the immigrants were killed then.If you cud react this way for what had happened in one day..can you imagine the mental state of ppl who lost their everything in those wars? Of the children who saw their parents & entire famlies wiped out in front of their very eyes?
In short..America 'Created' these terrorists..hell bent on revenge...just like you saw your youth hell bent on revenge & your Mr GWB hell bent on revenge after september 11.
& then suddenly, the inability to 'Smoke out' the most wanted terrorist somehow ridculously led to territories of oil reserves on the'pertext' that it 'may be' the place sponsoring terrorism, just because it happened to have all the money from oil.& then the hue & cry about WMDs, that were never found anyway.Let me was America so certain that the WMDs exsisted there for sure?..Unless...unless of course America was the one who had sold these to Them!There seems no other reason for their being so cock sure about their existence & they lying hidden somewhere in the deep recesses of sand dunes!

There is a saying: 'What goes round, comes around.' America sold their technology & weapons to these nation for its profits.To hell with what they did with them & on whom they used as long as they did it in their own region,or the third world.But when they felt threatened by one act of terrorism, they went back in search of them!...

Or then, maybe it was all a great act...maybe after all they were really after all those oil reserves in that region...

'Neo Imperialism' it may be called.

The rest of the world is not such a fool dear charles , as you believe. In fact experiences of hardships make us more commonsensical than an average American.

They surely gave their technology to the world...& then they want the rest of the nations to sign CTBT, but not do it themselves?[Just a little digresson here, when Americans imposed sanctions on India for having refused to sign the CTBT, we became more self reliant & invented better & cost effective ways to overcome our needs.Perhaps this is how a Bill Gates from your side recognised our potential.
Do the Americans think that the rest of the world is more prone & easily provoked to use nuclear weapons, than they themselves are?
The recent wars have revealed that the contrary is true.
Americans have very little tolerance, & they in their complacence have become so comfortable , that even the sligtest disturbance provokes them & make them go berserk...
[ like you seem to go berserk with that gas price rise]That is because, you ppl have not faced the worse ills of the world, like hunger & Poverty...

& then you boast about giving your technology to the world, while the plate you might be eating in, most probably, has been made in China!

Mr Charles.please remember..that although a sword is more powerful than a needle, you cannot use a sword in a situation that requires a needle.

I wish the Americans wud use their 'ingenuity' in finding other ways of capturing energy [ maybe solar, or whatever else] to overcome shortage of non renewable resources that might render their Mercs & BMWs & aeroplanes & NASA as garbage, when they run out from this planet; than to go around stealing them from other ppl's reserves...

"All human being are equal" say the democrats...but surely they seem to add silently to it:" but some are more Equal than the others".

The world wud be a lot different if they used the term 'Humane' in place of 'Equal'...

At Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 8:20:00 PM EDT, Blogger Charles $visitorIP said...

On the whole I have to agree with most of what you say. As for your apparent irritation with me, perhaps I can clarify a few things. I myself am a Democrat, registered. I did not vote for Mr. GWB. I do not like the man, he is a bully, and ignores scientific fact. He detests said science so much, he has shutdown offices of the federal government, that actually saved money. He does not represent the attitudes of the people of the United States. I voted against him both times he ran. He is not a gracious man. He is rough and crude with his treatment of both the people of the US and the world. My point is that there is a small group of people who are taking advantage of the rest of us without regret, remorse or regard. They may or may not all reside in the US. I'm trying to make people of the US realize what the __ll is going on, or probably more to the point, care about it anyway. Mr B wont sign the treaties regarding global warming, the hurricane that just devastated the Gulf coast here is likely a direct result of that warming. He refuses to believe any such thing could be happening, it wouldn't be hard to believe that he simply refuses to believe, because it might cut into his profits.
At no time should you ever believe that the people of the US are directly responsible for those goings on in the world that are not right. Most people here believe in the Golden Rule, "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." The fact is most of those things go unreported here. Do you really think we went through the Iran-Contra Affair, just to save face? We as a people were genuinely appalled at the things that our government and military and businesses were doing. Unfortunately, there are many who are easily taken in by the lies they are told. Even more unfortunate, is that those who are not, are easily silenced. Understand that many families are led by men who have been in the military here. The military here practices a rite they loosely call "tearing down and rebuilding" a man. I call it brainwashing. These men (or kids in most cases), are told how to do everything, from dressing to using the restroom. Mostly they are trained not to question orders, right or wrong, and that what their military tells them will save their lives (could be true) and those of their families. They are always told that they are fighting for the freedom of America. I personally think that many things that are done have nothing to do with our freedom. Don't get me wrong, I believe in freedom. I also believe the only way to preserve freedom is to exercise it. The Polish probably know this better than most Americans, they still remember gaining theirs. I'm complaining about the power structure of society, I also know the consequences of prices here going up at such a startling rate. It will affect families first, then businesses, then our economy and finally, the world's economy. Just look at the news, the price of a barrel of oil is just pennies from the $70 mark. This isn't just for americans, this is for every country in the world. I write this blog in the context of an American to Americans. Please forgive me if I forget that there are other English speaking countries out there with intelligent readers, also. It might taste better with a grain of salt, but it is still 5h1t I speak of. I don't think terrorism is the answer to anyone's woes. Open discussion and intelligent ideas are the only things that can truely solve mankind's problems. Even when those problems are experienced by some, and likely, only thought about by even fewer (since from what I've seen, many would rather just ignore the problem and pretend it never existed.)
As for affluence, I am not affluent. I am not poor again, yet. I do know the concept of "relative deprivation," and it is only upon the education of our ignorance, that we become deprived. If not for that we could probably live a happy life with just a fig leaf to wear, until we learned Tarzan wore a loin cloth.

At Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 2:04:00 AM EDT, Blogger Mona $visitorIP said...

Hey Charles
First of takes a lot more than a post like that to irritate me, so it was just what , like you said, 'apparent'.
I understand what you mean with all that you have to say. We have even heard that any American speaking Against GWB is liable to be punished.So we are well aware of his bully nature worldwide...
& yes I agree that some fundamentalist elements take advantage of situations like these. But the fact remains, that most of this happens when we 'Allow' it to happen,[ when I visited America last time, I was really surprised at the lax security system at the airports. In India we can never dream that one can actually see you off till the plane itself! & then see what happened..not one but Four planes hijacked!I cud just see why, while the rest of the ignorant ppl here were left wondering how]. that is when there are internal discrepancies & conflicts, the others are bound to take advantage of that. It is a universal rule.That is what India & pakistan, the immediate neighbours & rivals do. They creat instability Inside the other region, & then strike.They use various gimmicks like sponsoring terrorism & spreading fake currency in the other regions respectively.We all know that the Kashmir problem is more a political issue than a social problem.All the bombings are well timed..say, when Clinton visited India, the first news we recieved was 'bomb blast in kashmir'.It is all pre planned. everyone here knows that.

& let me tell you one thing...the politicians are alike, all round the world..they have similar it creating artificial scarcity, or timming bomb blasts.The bottom line is that such men are hungry, for money & power.

I am glad to know, that you advocate freedom in the true sense of the term.
& yes, you are absolutely right about the children bit. The average mental age of human beings on earth is not more than ten years. This is the kind of humanity we have created on this earth. The mind stops working on its own by the time one reaches ten years of age.After that it is "fed" with facts & knowledge from outside, with ready made beliefs etc.We have drilled concepts & ideologies in the minds of little children. The are becomming knowers. Do you know, that by the age of seven, a child already knows fifty percent of whathe will ever know, & by the time he is fourteen, he has almost arrived; now there is nowhere to go,he has only to vegetate.Now he will exist as a cabbage, if he goes to college he will become a cauliflower...there is not much difference, just the lables change...

A real person grows to the very end.Even while he is dying he is growing for even in that last moment of his life, there will be inquiry, a search , a learning..such an unknown phenomenon as death, more mysterious than life itself, will fascinate him...
A real man, never believes, he has no set patterns of beliefs. He only learns..a real man will not be just knowledgable, but forever open to is not that the truth have to adjust to him, he will adjust to truth.
To accept ones ignorance needs courage. To accept that you dont know is the beginning of real knowledge.But ppl have too many holes in them, & ready made belifs are easily available to fill them up...

Hey..I must be really boring you. I hope you do not mind my endless chatter on your blog . If you do, just let me know...

& yes, one more thing...George Bernaard Shaw has postulated "do not do unto other as you wud that they do unto you, because their tastes may not be the same" :-)
What do you think about that hmmm?

At Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 8:40:00 AM EDT, Blogger Charles $visitorIP said...

The Key is "as you would have them do unto you." My interpretation is "treat people in the manner you want them to treat you." Shaw was smart, perhaps even wise, but I think he was just trying to give a memorable statement and missed the mark on that one. He was afterall, still a man.

At Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 10:05:00 AM EDT, Blogger Mona $visitorIP said...

maybe you are right about that...
& yet it brings another thought in mind, as I always tell my friends..interpretations can sometime be dangerous too...but then that is another matter...

I heard that Katrina wreaked quite a havoc on the east coast specially New Orleans...
& yes..that price rise to $70 a barrel is ridiculous;

but it is not necessarily true that because hurricanes form over warm ocean water, their recent rise is due to global warming. The severity of hurricane seasons change with cycles of tempratures of several decades in the Atlantic ocean. So the recent onslaught could be very much natural than a result of global warming...

Yet on the other hand, Global warming is very much a true phenomenon, whther mr bush believes it or not.Maybe he will realise it only when his beach house[that is if he has one] drowns after the ocean level has risen enough to drown 1/10 th of the earth's surface.

About the problems of American citizens...Once again I say, awareness is the key word. Ppl like you have to spread that awareness around. You have the means, the advantage of anonimity too, through it is safer taht way to speak your mind I guess.

Yes I noticed. Your Media, has a weak role. & ppl hardly read newspapers in America as we do here in India.They are only bothered to read about the stock market fluctuations. We have a very strong media role, & If he were here, bush might have been putting his foot in his mouth by now...

We have a very good cartoon running on him by the name of Dubyaman [ that comes from his middle initial]...that is where he is shown dressed as a superman with a D on his suit [ Dubya, in our language means, one who will drown eventually]...We really get a good laugh each morning on that one...
Gotto run now...take care..& keep writing...

At Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 11:02:00 AM EDT, Blogger Jess $visitorIP said...

cool, you speak the truth, Bless you

At Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 12:00:00 PM EDT, Blogger Charles $visitorIP said...

Hahaha. Its amazing the interpretations some things have. As far as anonymity, I doubt that there is much of that for me. I could very well be on a watchlist, likely really. But I don't worry about that, I'm a non-threatening person, I don't own firearms, I wouldn't use them if I did. I support the right to own them, but with the statistics of ownership showing the likelihood of being injured by those who own them, I want nothing to do with them.
My dad once was in an argument with my brother and pulled his gun on my brother. This is not a good thing when arguments become life threatening.
I also remember as a preschool age child, the nextdoor neighbor having been shot by her boyfriend totally by accident, when he threw a shotgun over his shoulder and it went off, taking a large chunk of flesh from her leg. She walked with a cane after that.
I don't want to see anyone harmed. I do want people to open their eyes and minds. Maybe it was accurate when I was called a liberal. I'd love to see us all liberated from the will of others, and from the urge to press our will on others to their detriment. I'd also like to see intelligence be our guide rather than ignorance of truth. There are WAY too many people here that feel that the only time they should pay attention is before the elections, then only vote for someone because they "like" them, or worse, because they are scared.
Just because someone is in a position of authority, does not mean they belong there. And it certainly doesn't mean that everything they might say is right.
And let me apologize. I thought your comments sounded a bit on the angry side, I was wrong.

At Thursday, September 1, 2005 at 3:25:00 AM EDT, Blogger Mona $visitorIP said...

So you feel that ' Big Brother' might be watching you?
Dont worry...fat chance...their intelligence faliure has been evident more than once in the recent history...beginning with the faliue to detect such ghastly terrorist plans that were conceptualised & gestated on american soil itself over years, that resulted in september 11 to the faliue of searching out one moron of the mastermind & also the WMDs...& the list goes on...

Incidently, We went avisting a house warming yesterday, & the owner was proudly displaying the 'Interior decoration' that he had planned himself.There were swords, & axes & shields as wall hangings. Also two airguns criss crossing on the walls.The place resembled a torture chamber rather than a home.
Boy! were'nt we glad to return home!
& I was wondering why ppl, & nations like to store up these 'signs' of violence.Why, they revel & feel proud of their so called possessions.Is it the nature of man to be violent, or is it the insecurity? Why else wud a person use a weapon to display power?Rather, it shows a sign of weakness from within, that one has to use these inanimate objects from outside to make him feel 'stronger'.

Please excuse me for saying so, but I think your dad's action displays that he has been a faliure as a father.To use physical abuse in order to subjugate your children spells biggest failure on one's part.To display uncontrolled anger, is setting a bad example on your kids.If your kids see you as weak, it is very much likely that they will become so themselves, because parents are supposed to be the first role models for their children.
Anger like this means that you are not being honest with either yourself & your life, that you are not facing facts as they are.Instead of being angry with our children like this, we shud rather be looking at what practical action we can take to get around whatever obstruction we might be facing; & if there is no practical action that we can take, then we must be honest enough to admit that our desire or views are impractical at that time. To be honest one must face facts, & give up wanting to have their way.This in fact make your children see you as more humane & sensible, & also to respect you & feel proud of you.

I am glad that your dad's action has not marred your senses in a harmful manner.

Yes, it is everyone's wish to feel liberated from other's will. But for Man, who is a social animal, it is rather difficult.Because humans thrive & progress on Interdependence.We need each other's help, & the sooner one realises this the better for our race.So sometimes, we have to consider, if not be subjugated by, at least 'consider' other's points of view as well.
But I do agree with you, when you say that let Intelligence be your guide.Sometimes, we tend to be so afraid of social norms, of being excommunicated, that we follow the herd mentality, even though we might not see any sense in that.It happens specially in case of religious Fear is the factor that the priest, be it of any religion, use to subjugate us...

Now, listening to your views, & the plight of american society,& also our own, I have begun to doubt the system of democracy itself.I wonder if it will fail too like socialism...
At least the anarchists are more honest & open about their wish to subjugate.In democracy I feel that they are USING ppl as tools, as their vote banks & also their ignorance in order to fool them into believing that they are 'doing it for their own good'.I say, when someone says that, always doubt him.

At Thursday, September 1, 2005 at 6:22:00 AM EDT, Blogger Charles $visitorIP said...

Democracy is the only hope we have of a long time working government. Unfortunately, we do not have any working democracies. Dubya likes to drop the word, our government and our military like to drop the word, the american people use it like they know what it means. They do not.
The US has a system of government known by scholars (I know it, too) as a republic. This form of government is as bad as any that have come before or after it. It provides opportunities for those who would abuse the people it is elected to represent. They do.
It is only since the invention of this network of highspeed communications we call the internet, that we could possibly have a true democracy. A system where everyone participates, no one represents more than one's self, where the freeflow of information can thrive without editor's worrying for their jobs. Where the will of the collective can truely be heard.
One of the things we should also be wary of is rise of the facist state, something whose waters I'm afraid may already have been tested right here in the US. Business is important, but not so important that it should be able to send young men & women to their deaths. Not so important that it should be able to harm in any way anyone's life.
BTW, the price of gas is now expected to rise over $1US/gal by the weekend, it has already risen to over $3/gal, some 17% so far this week. That is approaching 40% rise in a week. I forsee a worldwide economic crisis soon. This for gas that will have already been transported to the US, from the Strategic Reserves, that was paid for by the american taxpayers money at much lower prices. Gee, you don't suppose there may be some conflict of interest with Dubya's controlling that release and his family's ties to big oil, do you?

At Friday, September 2, 2005 at 8:59:00 AM EDT, Blogger Mona $visitorIP said...

Arent they self evident everywhere, these scams. The only surprising thing is the candour with which they are being executed now...
Be it Dubya, or anyone in power on the other side of midnight, it is the same scene everywhere.The reason cannot be a weak Judiciary.Democracies have provisions in their constitutions to challange the roles of the representatives.& from what I know, American constitution is more detailed in nature & not easily ammendable either by the ruling parties.
It is just, that these politicians have recognised the fact that ppl. can be corruptible in Judiciary too.These ppl have the money[ mostly taxpayer's] & the power. So a little bribing here & there does the works.
Democracy, by definition a govt. by the ppl, of the ppl & for the ppl, seems to have become one, by the chair, of the chair, & for the chair.
Dubya does seem to 'drop' the word as you put it, more often than required.& it is a big joke, that he wants to' bring democracy in Iraq through war'.Democracy & violence never go together. Why, even the overthrow of one govt. in favour of another is done by peaceful electoral means & not a coup or some war, as in dictatorship.
The Achilles heel of ameican ppl is their gullibility Or their overtly trusting nature.We all [ non americans]know, that Saddam was caught a long time ago. But the revelation to the world came at a very strategic moment, that is, near the time of elections.It was an Ace throw,& ppl of America were made to believe that the 'real' saviour of their nation & children had finally arrived.
Why, he even USED the church to win the election.Otherwise there was a fat chance by mere debate...
& also seeing the fact, that American economy that thrived during the Clinton era, saw a downslide starting from Enron & twin towers & ensuing wars.The hard earned American money burned on the war fields while they sat complacent or played golf.Thousands of citizens died for their whims & egos...

Of course there is a connection to the controlled release, how else wud they 'earn' their dollars & say, 'they merely got lucky?..the time was such...'& shrug...Whist it gives them a double edge savour the power of ' being able' to give sleepless nights to 'all the finance ministers world wide'.

At Friday, September 2, 2005 at 9:07:00 AM EDT, Blogger Mona $visitorIP said...


what gave me a nearly sleepless night tho was shooting my mouth like that about your dad.I shud not have been judgemental about him & used such harsh terms...
After all, there must be a thousand good things about him which I do not know, & the very fact that he has a son like you, makes him a good father in many respects...
I apologise for my previous statement...

At Saturday, September 3, 2005 at 8:40:00 PM EDT, Blogger Charles $visitorIP said...

No need to apologise, dizzy. I didn't get along with the man, until I was 30 or so. I saw him maybe three times up until I was twelve, perhaps a total of 24 hours, that I can remember. He was abusive physically & psychologically and weak morally. I have borderline glacoma in one eye from what I suspect was the result of the subconjunctival hemorrhage he gave me when I was in 8th grade. I weighed less than 85 lbs then, while he was a fully grown man.
I have very little respect for a parent that would use a fist on a kid, likely one of the roots of my disdane for abusers of position. I forgave him before he died, but it still affects my relationships with others.
I think I am hypersensitive to the characteristics that he exhibited, and find it coloring my view of certain people. I can see the bully in people, even if they get henchmen to do the dirty work. Its something in the attitude. Perhaps its actually fear I see, but for the most part people have nothing to fear from me. But I do seem to get it a lot. I am not above defending myself, but I never go looking for trouble. When you look for trouble, it comes to find you.
I was telling people before 9/11 happened, that if you go around beating your chest, somebody's going to thump you. You don't go around telling the world how you can't be beat, because there's always somebody that can beat you. And always somebody that can beat them. And the thinking that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is just wrong. Just because you don't like someone and someone else doesn't like them, doesn't mean that they will like you.
Some of my thoughts are just the result of a lot of thinking on my part, but probably most of the good things that I try to advocate here are the result of some really good people that I had the good fortune to have known. I have had some good fortune in that respect.
I love people that teach a better way. They are like our children, in that these are what we pin the future to. We are like their children, in that we are what they pin the future to. These are the people that we hold as wise.
Personally, I want a better future for everyone, especially my progeny. And never knowing what the future holds, at some point in time everyone on the earth might in some way be my progeny. What we know is that we come from the survivors of every horror mankind has ever wrought. And we are likely the decendants of the perpetrators of those horrors, also.
What we should take upon ourselves is to make certain that the only knowledge of any horrors carried forward into the future is written in history only, as a warning to those left behind. That the actual memory of any abuse die with us, and never be brought out for anyone else to experience. We need to improve the world, and the best place to start is within us.

At Monday, September 5, 2005 at 1:29:00 AM EDT, Blogger Mona $visitorIP said...

It is one of the saddest part of Life, that Man has committed much cruelty under so many beautiful names, like order, law, justice, diciplining etc...
& we live in a world, where, parents, teachers, priests have collectively 'corrupted' us, our pyche; have displaced us, have taken us away from ourselves...where we do not feel at ease with the existence..where we shall always be in a condition of missing something...
& parents think, that just because they are parents, the child has to Obey them, to love them automatically, whether they are lovable or not. Parents are authoritative, & that is an ugly burden on child...
& yes..we have known fear in the name of authority, because as children, we have been dependent on them & parents have taken advantage of that dependence & have also psyched us into being crippled by fear of freedom...
& the irony is, that they do it in the name of protection..' for your own good' as they put it...

If one is a coward, one cud remain cowed for life...But we need to break such shackles of mental slavery & procceed with our life, without fear, & with trust...

It is good to know the way you feel about life. Only a true philanthrope, a really aware person about his environment & a truly concerned parent wud harbor such noble thoughts.

& yes...memory is good, only as long as it allows us to learn from our experience without having to repeat them. But sadly somehow, history too gets distorted in the hands of politicians.I have seen it here, in my own country, how politicians have used historical facts to their advantage.India, having a multi cultural heritage, has known many different kinds of civilisations, specially on the religious front, where muslims have plundered temples & idols, & hindus have committed genocides in the name of 'righting' the 'wrongs' done to them in the past.British imperialism brought along the rule of cristanity where missionaries thrived & conversions were easy, because of the sectarian nature of the locals, & their discrimination in the name of caste & creed.The untouchables as they were called,embraced christanity, because they got humanistic treatment as christains, as opposed to beings Pharihas & curs & outcastes that their own community had treated them as, earlier.
Now our children are having problem with this subject called history.[ We teach it in schools as a seperate subject].Whichever political party comes into power, the history books are first to be overhauled & changed.The last party in power, the BJP party, which was pro hindu, wrote books that blamed the muslim plunderers for having committed so many wrongs against the local population,& the christains used their'cunning methods' of converting ppl; & advocated that" such wrongs have to be righted" & these ppl had to be paid back 'during the present'(!) in the same coin.The result was, inciting communal hatred in young impressionable minds, & the minorities became a vulnerable target of mental & physical violence. & I tell you, children can be really cruel at times towards their peers!
Now The Congress is in power, so there has been a complete overhauling of history books by the education ministry once again.The result is that half the session of high school is over & still there is shortage of text books!

Anyway...may god help you in your endeavour to make this world a better place...we each do have a responsibility there To impart our own special efforts to the extents that are possible within our limits.

God Bless you.

At Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 2:21:00 PM EDT, Blogger Mona $visitorIP said...

Battle????..what battle????

At Monday, June 25, 2007 at 12:05:00 PM EDT, Blogger $visitorIP said...

To hear you crib about the price of gas being $2.5 / US gallon seems weird to me. Here in India, petrol costs us anywhere between 45 to 55 rupees per litre. That would be $1 to $1.3 for about 0.26 gallons! So we pay almost double for it :D

Though I guess by your standards it must be high :)

At Monday, June 25, 2007 at 9:08:00 PM EDT, Blogger Charles $visitorIP said...

These were record prices here in the US. Of course now, the record has been broken. What bothers me is that nothing is being said by our Pres GWB. His family is in on the record prices, so he stands to make a fortune when daddy dies. Its a conflict of interests. He should stop it, or get his family out of the business. He's not upholding his responsibilities to the public. The oil companies have made record profits since he's been in office. He's a selfish oafish lout.

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